Package Theft Prevention From Your Indianapolis Front Porch

SkyBell Trim Pro

As deliveries from online retailers increase, so does the risk that they’ll disappear off your front doorstep.  Sometimes the package comes when you’re at work, but is taken away before you get home.  Other times you don’t see a delivery that happens late in the day, so it sits unprotected all night.  Or, alarmingly, you may have someone take your delivery off your doorstep when you’re home.

Luckily, by adding a doorbell camera to your Indianapolis home security system, you can beat back these porch pirates.  But what is the best package theft prevention in Indianapolis?

Wait – What’s A Porch Pirate

They may not sport an eye patch, but 2020 porch pirates are criminals who take delight in pilfering packages – often in daylight – from your front porch. Sometimes they scour the neighborhood looking for deliveries.  Other times they scout out one house until they see the UPS carrier drive up.  Whatever the method, these porch pirates live by one code: steal as much as they can, whenever they can.

A Doorbell Camera: The Best Way For Package Theft Prevention In Indianapolis

The best way to enforce package theft prevention from your Indianapolis front porch is to make sure your home security system uses a doorbell camera. A high-tech theft deterrent, doorbell cameras are becoming a standard fixture of American homes, deftly replacing a regular doorbell and remaining unobtrusive while offering an extra measure of home security.

Whenever your doorbell camera senses motion on the front porch, it will activate and send you a notification of activity to your mobile phone.  You can watch the activity through the mobile security app and may be able to scare them away using the built-in intercom system.  Even if they do get away, you could show the police a video clip that identifies the culprits.

Other outdoor security cameras may catch a porch pirate running around your yard, but nothing gives you a closeup view of your doorstep as a doorbell camera.  If anything, you can check to see if there’s a package at your door before you have to open it.  Likewise, it also allows you to chat with visitors who ring the doorbell — even when you’re not home.  That helps to deter thieves who ring the bell before they swipe your packages.

Other Basics Of Package Theft Prevention In Indianapolis

Besides a reliable, professionally installed doorbell camera, there are other ways to be proactive against porch pirates:

  • Require a text photo of the package when it’s dropped off.
  • If you’re not going to be home, have the package delivered to the nearest post office or other secure location.
  • Try to schedule the delivery at the office or for when you know you’ll be home.
  • Invest in a locking parcel delivery and storage box.

What To Do If Your Package Is Stolen

Even with a doorbell security camera, you may still get your package stolen. If you’ve fallen victim to a porch pirate, take the following steps:

  • Call whichever service delivered your package to verify delivery.
  • Call and file a police report.  You can show the police the footage from your doorbell camera to help identify the culprit.
  • Contact the seller about whether the package was covered by insurance.
  • If you bought an item with a credit card, see if you have theft insurance or access to other resolution options.

Nelson Alarm Can Install A Doorbell Camera With Your Home Security System

Nelson Alarm is the premier supplier of residential security systems throughout greater Indianapolis. Our experts can customize the perfect alarm system for your needs — including a doorbell camera.  Contact us today for a free quote or call us at 317-255-2125.

Contact Us Today For Your Indianapolis Home Security Needs

We would love to talk with you about your home security needs and help you design the perfect system for your family.  From burglar and fire alarms to more sophisticated monitoring systems, we think you deserve “Only The Best.” Give us a call at (317) 255-2125 to discuss your needs, or ask for a quote via email.

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